visualize the data structures in a C program
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

347 lines
8.1 KiB

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<title>Struct Visualization</title>
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color: white;
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<p>What's the size and alignment of this type on your architecture?</p>
<div class="help-idk-container">
<p class="help-idk">
Help, I don't know!
It's a bitfield!
size (in bytes)
alignment (in bytes)
<footer class="fix-missing-declaration-dialog-footer">
<script defer>
const fixMissingDeclDialog = document.getElementById("fix-missing-declaration-dialog");
function createWithClasses(e, ...classes) {
const elem = document.createElement(e);
return elem;
function alignForward(a, b) {
function renderStruct(structInfo, containingElement) {
const div = createWithClasses("div", "struct-info");
const structInfoHeader = createWithClasses("label", "struct-info-header");
structInfoHeader.innerText = `struct ${} - alias: ${structInfo.alias}`;
for (let i = 0; i < structInfo.declarations.length; i++) {
const decl = structInfo.declarations[i];
const position = i % 2 == 0;
const positionClass = position ? "struct-info-declaration-top" : "struct-info-declaration-bottom";
let bytesInStructSoFar = 0;
if (decl.size === -1) {
const byteGroup = createWithClasses("struct-info-bytegroup");
byteGroup.onclick = fixMissingDeclDialog.showMoodal();
const unknownByte = createWithClasses("div", "struct-info-byte", "struct-info-byte-unknown");
unknownByte.innerText = "?";
const declaration = createWithClasses("div", "struct-info-declaration", positionClass);
declaration.innerHTML = `${decl.type} <span class="struct-info-declaration-name">${}</span>`;
const ellipsisByte = createWithClasses("div", "struct-info-byte", "struct_info_byte_ellipsis");
ellipsisByte.innerText = "...";
} else {
// find if we need to align this field - pad some alignment bytes visually if we do.
const aligned = alignForward(bytesInStructSoFar, decl.align);
const needsAlign = aligned !== bytesInStructSoFar;
if (needsAlign) {
//sb_concatf("%s", "<div class='struct-info-bytegroup'>");
//for (int a = 0; a < (aligned - bytesInStructSoFar); a++) {
// sb_concatf("%s", "<div class='struct-info-byte struct-info-byte-alignment'></div>");
//sb_concatf("%s", "</div>");
//bytesInStructSoFar += aligned - bytesInStructSoFar;
// now for the bytes representing the actual field.
//sb_concatf("%s", "<div class='struct-info-bytegroup'>");
//for (int b = 0; b < decl->size; b++) {
// if (b == 0) {
// sb_concatf(
// "<div class='struct-info-byte struct-info-byte-first'>"
// "<div class='struct-info-declaration %s'>"
// "%s <span class='struct-info-declaration-name'>%s</span>"
// "</div>"
// "</div>"
// , positionClass, decl->type, decl->name);
// } else {
// sb_concatf("%s", "<div class='struct-info-byte'></div>");
// }
//bytesInStructSoFar += decl->size;
//sb_concatf("%s", "</div>"); // end bytegroup
//sb_concatf("%s", "</div></div>");
function renderAllStructs() {
for (let i = 0; i < window.structs.length; i++) {
const structInfo = structs[i];
renderStruct(structInfo, document.body);
<!-- c code will place a script tag containing all of the data structures in JSON format, and terminate the body and html tags -->