require"hex" require"util" --[[============================================================================ ----- GLOBALS ----- ==============================================================================]] local win = am.window{ -- base resolution = 3/4 * WXGA standard 16:10 width = 1280 * 3 / 4, -- 960px height = 800 * 3 / 4, -- 600px clear_color = vec4(0.01, 34/255, 45/255, 0), title = "Warzone 2: Electric Boogaloo", resizable = false, } local layout = layout(vec2(-268, - 10)) local map local world ={}:tag"world" --[[============================================================================ ----- FUNCTIONS ----- ==============================================================================]] function show_hex_coords() world:action(function() world:remove("coords") world:remove("select") local hex = pixel_to_cube(win:mouse_position(), layout) local mouse = cube_to_offset(hex) if mouse.x > 0 and mouse.x < map.width and mouse.y > 0 and mouse.y < map.height then local coords ={ am.translate(win.right - 25, - 10) ^ am.text(string.format("%d,%d", mouse.x, mouse.y)):tag"coords"} world:append(coords) local mask = vec4(1, 1, 1, 0.2) local pix = cube_to_pixel(hex, layout) world:append(, layout.size.x, mask, 6):tag"select") end end) end function world_init() world:action(coroutine.create(function() -- init guiblock local bg = am.rect(win.left,, -268, win.bottom):tag"bg" world:append(bg) -- init map map = rectangular_map(45, 31) for hex,elevation in pairs(map) do local pix = cube_to_pixel(hex, layout) local off = cube_to_offset(hex) local tag = tostring(hex) local color local mask -- testing noise with color color = vec4(1, 1, 1, (elevation + 1) / 2) -- determine cell shading mask based on map position --mask = vec4(0, 0, 0, math.max(((off.x-23)/30)^2, ((off.y-16)/20)^2)) --color = color - mask world"bg".color = vec4(0, 43/255, 54/255, am.frame_time) world:prepend(, layout.size.x, color, 6):tag(tag)) am.wait(am.delay(0.01)) end show_hex_coords() end)) win.scene = world end --[[============================================================================ ----- MAIN ----- ==============================================================================]] world_init()