settings = am.load_state("settings", "json") or { fullscreen = false, window_width = 1920, window_height = 1080, music_volume = 0.1, sfx_volume = 0.1, } math.randomseed(os.time()) math.random() math.random() math.random() math.random() do win = am.window{ width = settings.window_width, height = settings.window_height, title = "hexyz", mode = settings.fullscreen and "fullscreen" or "windowed", highdpi = true, letterbox = true, resizable = true, -- user should probably set their resolution instead of resizing the window, but hey. } end -- asset interfaces and/or trivial code require "color" require "sound" require "texture" require "src/entity" require "src/extra" require "src/geometry" require "src/hexyz" require "src/game" require "src/gui" require "src/grid" require "src/mob" require "src/projectile" require "src/tower" function main_action(self) self"hex_backdrop""rotate".angle = math.wrapf(self"hex_backdrop""rotate".angle - 0.002 * am.delta_time, math.pi*2) end function make_main_scene_toolbelt() local options = { { label = "new game", action = function(self) end }, { label = "load game", action = function(self) game_init(am.load_state("save", "json")) end }, { label = "map editor", action = function(self) log("map editor not implemented") end }, { label = "settings", action = function(self) end }, } --local map = hex_rectangular_map(10, 20, HEX_ORIENTATION.POINTY) return group end function main_scene() local group = local map = hex_hexagonal_map(30) local hex_backdrop = (am.rotate(0) ^"hex_backdrop" for i,_ in pairs(map) do for j,n in pairs(map[i]) do local color = map_elevation_color(n) color = color{a=color.a - 0.1} local node = am.translate(hex_to_pixel(vec2(i, j), vec2(HEX_SIZE))) ^, HEX_SIZE, vec4(0), 6) node"circle":action(am.tween(1, { color = color })) hex_backdrop:append(node) end end group:append(hex_backdrop) group:append(am.translate(0, 200) ^ am.sprite("res/logo.png")) group:append(make_main_scene_toolbelt()) group:action(main_action) return group end win.scene = game_init() noglobals()