MOBS = {} MAX_MOB_SIZE = hex_height(HEX_SIZE, ORIENTATION.FLAT) / 2 MOB_SIZE = MAX_MOB_SIZE function mobs_on_hex(hex) local t = {} for mob_index,mob in pairs(MOBS) do if mob and mob.hex == hex then table.insert(t, mob_index, mob) end end return t end -- @NOTE returns i,v in the table function mob_on_hex(hex) return table.find(MOBS, function(mob) return mob and mob.hex == hex end) end -- check if a the tile at |hex| is passable by |mob| function mob_can_pass_through(mob, hex) local tile =, hex.y) return tile_is_medium_elevation(tile) end function mob_die(mob, mob_index) vplay_sfx(SOUNDS.EXPLOSION1) delete_entity(MOBS, mob_index) end function do_hit_mob(mob, damage, mob_index) = - damage if <= 0 then update_score(mob.bounty) update_money(mob.bounty) mob_die(mob, mob_index) end end -- @TODO performance. -- try reducing map size by identifying key nodes (inflection points) -- there are performance hits everytime we spawn a mob and it's Astar's fault function get_mob_path(mob, map, start, goal) return Astar(map, goal, start, grid_heuristic, grid_cost) end -- @FIXME there's a bug here where the position of the spawn hex is sometimes 1 closer to the center than we want local function get_spawn_hex() -- ensure we spawn on an random tile along the map's edges local roll = math.random(HEX_GRID_WIDTH * 2 + HEX_GRID_HEIGHT * 2) - 1 local x, y if roll < HEX_GRID_HEIGHT then x, y = 0, roll elseif roll < (HEX_GRID_WIDTH + HEX_GRID_HEIGHT) then x, y = roll - HEX_GRID_HEIGHT, HEX_GRID_HEIGHT - 1 elseif roll < (HEX_GRID_HEIGHT * 2 + HEX_GRID_WIDTH) then x, y = HEX_GRID_WIDTH - 1, roll - HEX_GRID_WIDTH - HEX_GRID_HEIGHT else x, y = roll - (HEX_GRID_HEIGHT * 2) - HEX_GRID_WIDTH, 0 end -- @NOTE negate 'y' because hexyz algorithms assume south is positive, in amulet north is positive return evenq_to_hex(vec2(x, -y)) end local function update_mob(mob, mob_index) local last_frame_hex = mob.hex mob.hex = pixel_to_hex(mob.position) if mob.hex == HEX_GRID_CENTER then update_score( mob_die(mob, mob_index) return true end -- figure out movement if last_frame_hex ~= mob.hex or not mob.frame_target then local frame_target, tile = false, false if mob.path then --log('A*') -- we have an explicitly stored target local path_entry = mob.path[mob.hex.x] and mob.path[mob.hex.x][mob.hex.y] if not path_entry then -- we should be just about to reach the target, delete the path. mob.path = false mob.frame_target = false return end mob.frame_target = path_entry.hex -- check if our target is valid, and if it's not we aren't going to move this frame. -- recalculate our path. if last_frame_hex ~= mob.hex and not mob_can_pass_through(mob, mob.frame_target) then log('recalc') mob.path = get_mob_path(mob, HEX_MAP, mob.hex, HEX_GRID_CENTER) mob.frame_target = false end else -- use the map's flow field - gotta find the the best neighbour local neighbours = if #neighbours > 0 then local first_neighbour = neighbours[1] tile =, first_neighbour.y) local lowest_cost_hex = first_neighbour local lowest_cost = tile.priority or 0 for _,n in pairs(neighbours) do tile =, n.y) local current_cost = tile.priority if current_cost and current_cost < lowest_cost then lowest_cost_hex = n lowest_cost = current_cost end end mob.frame_target = lowest_cost_hex else log('no neighbours') end end end if mob.frame_target and mob.frame_target == last_frame_hex then --log('backpedaling') end -- do movement if mob.frame_target then -- it's totally possible that the target we have was invalidated by a tower placed this frame, -- or between when we last calculated this target and now -- check for that now if mob_can_pass_through(mob, mob.frame_target) then -- this is supposed to achieve frame rate independence, but i have no idea if it actually does -- the constant multiplier at the beginning is how many pixels we want a mob with speed 1 to move in one frame local rate = 4 * mob.speed / state.perf.avg_fps mob.position = mob.position + math.normalize(hex_to_pixel(mob.frame_target) - mob.position) * rate mob.node.position2d = mob.position else mob.frame_target = false end else log('no target') end -- passive animation if math.random() < 0.01 then mob.node"rotate":action(am.tween(0.3, { angle = mob.node"rotate".angle + math.pi*3 })) else mob.node"rotate".angle = math.wrapf(mob.node"rotate".angle + am.delta_time, math.pi*2) end end local function make_and_register_mob(mob_type) local mob = make_basic_entity( get_spawn_hex(), am.rotate(state.time) ^ pack_texture_into_sprite(TEXTURES.MOB_BEEPER, MOB_SIZE, MOB_SIZE), update_mob ) --mob.path = get_mob_path(mob, HEX_MAP, mob.hex, HEX_GRID_CENTER) = 10 mob.speed = 10 mob.bounty = 5 mob.hurtbox_radius = MOB_SIZE/2 register_entity(MOBS, mob) end local SPAWN_CHANCE = 45 function do_mob_spawning() --if WIN:key_pressed"space" then if math.random(SPAWN_CHANCE) == 1 then --if #MOBS < 1 then make_and_register_mob() end end function delete_all_mobs() for mob_index,mob in pairs(MOBS) do if mob then delete_entity(MOBS, mob_index) end end end function do_mob_updates() for mob_index,mob in pairs(MOBS) do if mob and mob.update then mob.update(mob, mob_index) end end end