do -- add padding, because we terraform the very outer edge and it looks ugly, so hide it -- should be an even number to preserve a 'true' center local padding = 4 -- the size of the grid should basically always be constant (i think), -- but different aspect ratios complicate this in an annoying way -- grid width should be ~== height * 3 / 2 HEX_GRID_WIDTH = 33 + padding HEX_GRID_HEIGHT = 23 + padding HEX_GRID_DIMENSIONS = vec2(HEX_GRID_WIDTH, HEX_GRID_HEIGHT) HEX_GRID_CENTER = evenq_to_hex(vec2(math.floor(HEX_GRID_WIDTH/2) , -math.floor(HEX_GRID_HEIGHT/2))) -- pixel distance from hex centerpoint to any vertex -- given a grid width gx, and window width wx, what's the smallest size a hex can be to fill the whole screen? -- wx / (gx * 3 / 2) HEX_SIZE = win.width / ((HEX_GRID_WIDTH - padding) * 3 / 2) hex_set_default_size(vec2(HEX_SIZE)) HEX_PIXEL_WIDTH = hex_width(HEX_SIZE, HEX_ORIENTATION.FLAT) HEX_PIXEL_HEIGHT = hex_height(HEX_SIZE, HEX_ORIENTATION.FLAT) HEX_PIXEL_DIMENSIONS = vec2(HEX_PIXEL_WIDTH, HEX_PIXEL_HEIGHT) local hhs = hex_horizontal_spacing(HEX_SIZE) local hvs = hex_vertical_spacing(HEX_SIZE) -- number of 'spacings' on the grid == number of cells - 1 HEX_GRID_PIXEL_WIDTH = (HEX_GRID_WIDTH - 1) * hhs HEX_GRID_PIXEL_HEIGHT = (HEX_GRID_HEIGHT - 1) * hvs HEX_GRID_PIXEL_DIMENSIONS = vec2(HEX_GRID_PIXEL_WIDTH , HEX_GRID_PIXEL_HEIGHT) end -- amulet puts 0,0 in the middle of the screen -- transform coordinates by this to pretend 0,0 is elsewhere -- note this is isn't necessary when adding stuff to the worldspace in general, -- because the worldspace parent node should be translated by this constant WORLDSPACE_COORDINATE_OFFSET = -HEX_GRID_PIXEL_DIMENSIONS/2 -- the outer edges of the map are not interactable -- the interactable region is defined with this function and constant HEX_GRID_INTERACTABLE_REGION_MARGIN = vec2(3, 4) function evenq_is_in_interactable_region(evenq) return point_in_rect(evenq, { x1 = HEX_GRID_INTERACTABLE_REGION_MARGIN.x, x2 = HEX_GRID_WIDTH - HEX_GRID_INTERACTABLE_REGION_MARGIN.x, y1 = HEX_GRID_INTERACTABLE_REGION_MARGIN.y, y2 = HEX_GRID_HEIGHT - HEX_GRID_INTERACTABLE_REGION_MARGIN.y }) end function map_elevation_to_tile_type(elevation) if elevation < -0.5 then -- lowest elevation return "Water" elseif elevation < 0 then -- med-low elevation return "Ground - Grass" elseif elevation < 0.5 then -- med-high elevation return "Ground - Dirt" elseif elevation <= 1 then -- high elevation return "Mountain" else -- not a normal elevation? not sure when this happens return "n/a" end end function is_water_elevation(elevation) return elevation < -0.5 end function is_mountain_elevation(elevation) return elevation >= 0.5 end function tile_is_medium_elevation(tile) return tile.elevation >= -0.5 and tile.elevation < 0.5 end function grid_heuristic(source, target) return math.distance(source, target) end HEX_GRID_MINIMUM_ELEVATION = -1 HEX_GRID_MAXIMUM_ELEVATION = 1 function grid_cost(map, from, to) local t1, t2 = hex_map_get(map, from), hex_map_get(map, to) return 2 + math.abs(t1.elevation)^0.5 - math.abs(t2.elevation)^0.5 end function grid_neighbours(map, hex) return table.filter(hex_neighbours(hex), function(_hex) local tile = hex_map_get(map, _hex) return tile and tile_is_medium_elevation(tile) end) end function generate_flow_field(map, start) return hex_dijkstra(map, start, nil, grid_neighbours, grid_cost) end function apply_flow_field(map, flow_field, world) local flow_field_hidden = world and world"flow_field" and world"flow_field".hidden or true if world and world"flow_field" then world:remove"flow_field" end local overlay_group ="flow_field" for i,_ in pairs(map) do for j,f in pairs(map[i]) do local flow = hex_map_get(flow_field, i, j) if flow then map[i][j].priority = flow.priority overlay_group:append(am.translate(hex_to_pixel(vec2(i, j), vec2(HEX_SIZE))) ^ am.text(string.format("%.1f", flow.priority * 10))) else map[i][j].priority = nil end end end if world then overlay_group.hidden = flow_field_hidden world:append(overlay_group) end end function building_tower_breaks_flow_field(tower_type, hex) local original_elevations = {} local all_impassable = true local hexes = hex_spiral_map(hex, get_tower_size(tower_type) - 1) for _,h in pairs(hexes) do local tile = hex_map_get(, h) if all_impassable and mob_can_pass_through(nil, h) then all_impassable = false end table.insert(original_elevations, tile.elevation) -- making the tile's elevation very large *should* make it unwalkable tile.elevation = math.huge end -- if no mobs can pass over any of the tiles we're building on -- there is no need to regenerate the flow field, or do anything more -- (besides return all the tile's elevations back to their original game_state) if all_impassable then for i,h in pairs(hexes) do hex_map_get(, h).elevation = original_elevations[i] end return false end local flow_field = generate_flow_field(, HEX_GRID_CENTER) local result = not hex_map_get(flow_field, 0, 0) for i,h in pairs(hexes) do hex_map_get(, h).elevation = original_elevations[i] end return result, flow_field end function map_elevation_to_color(elevation) if elevation < -0.5 then -- lowest elevation return COLORS.WATER{ a = (elevation + 1.4) / 2 + 0.2 } elseif elevation < 0 then -- med-low elevation return math.lerp(COLORS.DIRT, COLORS.GRASS, elevation + 0.5){ a = (elevation + 1.8) / 2 + 0.3 } elseif elevation < 0.5 then -- med-high elevation return math.lerp(COLORS.DIRT, COLORS.GRASS, elevation + 0.5){ a = (elevation + 1.6) / 2 + 0.3 } elseif elevation <= 1 then -- high elevation return COLORS.MOUNTAIN{ ra = elevation } else -- this only happens when loading a save, and the tile has an elevation that's -- higher that anything here. it isn't really of any consequence though return vec4(0) end end function make_hex_node(hex, tile, color) if not color then local evenq = hex_to_evenq(vec2(hex.x, hex.y)) -- light shading on edge cells local mask = vec4(0, 0, 0, math.max(((evenq.x - HEX_GRID_WIDTH/2) / HEX_GRID_WIDTH) ^ 2 , ((-evenq.y - HEX_GRID_HEIGHT/2) / HEX_GRID_HEIGHT) ^ 2)) color = map_elevation_to_color(tile.elevation) - mask end return am.translate(hex_to_pixel(vec2(hex.x, hex.y), vec2(HEX_SIZE))) ^, HEX_SIZE, color, 6) end function make_hex_grid_scene(map, do_generate_flow_field) local world ="world" local texture = TEXTURES.WHITE local quads = am.quads(map.size * 2, {"vert", "vec2", "uv", "vec2", "color", "vec4"}) quads.usage = "static" -- see am.buffer documentation, hint to gpu local prog = am.program([[ precision highp float; attribute vec2 uv; attribute vec2 vert; attribute vec4 color; uniform mat4 MV; uniform mat4 P; varying vec2 v_uv; varying vec4 v_color; void main() { v_uv = uv; v_color = color; gl_Position = P * MV * vec4(vert, 0.0, 1.0); } ]], [[ precision mediump float; uniform sampler2D texture; varying vec2 v_uv; varying vec4 v_color; void main() { gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture, v_uv) * v_color; } ]]) local s60 = math.sin(math.rad(60)) local c60 = math.cos(math.rad(60)) for i,_ in pairs(map) do for j,tile in pairs(map[i]) do local v = vec2(i, j) local p = hex_to_pixel(v) local d = math.distance(p, vec2(0)) -- distance to center -- light shading on edge cells, scaled by distance to center local mask = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1/d) local color = map_elevation_to_color(tile.elevation) - mask local radius = HEX_SIZE quads:add_quad{ vert = { p.x - c60 * radius, p.y + s60 * radius, p.x - radius, p.y, p.x + radius, p.y, p.x + c60 * radius, p.y + s60 * radius }, uv = am.vec2_array{ vec2(0, 0), vec2(1, 0), vec2(1, 1), vec2(0, 1) }, color = color, } quads:add_quad{ vert = { p.x - radius, p.y, p.x - c60 * radius, p.y - s60 * radius, p.x + c60 * radius, p.y - s60 * radius, p.x + radius, p.y }, uv = am.vec2_array{ vec2(0, 0), vec2(1, 0), vec2(1, 1), vec2(0, 1) }, color = color, } end end world:append(am.blend("alpha") ^ am.use_program(prog) ^ am.bind{ texture = texture } ^ quads) -- add the magenta diamond that represents 'home' world:append( am.translate(hex_to_pixel(HEX_GRID_CENTER, vec2(HEX_SIZE))) ^ pack_texture_into_sprite(TEXTURES.GEM1, HEX_SIZE, HEX_SIZE*1.1) ) if do_generate_flow_field then apply_flow_field(map, generate_flow_field(map, HEX_GRID_CENTER), world) end return am.translate(WORLDSPACE_COORDINATE_OFFSET) ^ world end function random_map(seed) local map = hex_rectangular_map( HEX_GRID_DIMENSIONS.x, HEX_GRID_DIMENSIONS.y, HEX_ORIENTATION.FLAT, seed, true ) math.randomseed(map.seed) -- there are some things about the generated map we'd like to change... for i,_ in pairs(map) do for j,noise in pairs(map[i]) do local evenq = hex_to_evenq(vec2(i, j)) if evenq.x == 0 or evenq.x == (HEX_GRID_WIDTH - 1) or -evenq.y == 0 or -evenq.y == (HEX_GRID_HEIGHT - 1) then -- if we're on an edge -- terraform edges to be passable noise = 0 elseif j == HEX_GRID_CENTER.y and i == HEX_GRID_CENTER.x then -- also terraform the center of the grid to be passable -- very infrequently, but still sometimes it is not medium elevation noise = 0 else -- scale noise to be closer to 0 the closer we are to the center -- @NOTE i don't know if this 100% of the time makes the center tile passable, but it seems to 99.9+% of the time -- @NOTE it doesn't. seed: 1835, 2227? local nx, ny = evenq.x/HEX_GRID_WIDTH - 0.5, -evenq.y/HEX_GRID_HEIGHT - 0.5 local d = (nx^2 + ny^2)^0.5 / 0.5^0.5 noise = noise * d^0.125 -- arbitrary, seems to work good end hex_map_set(map, i, j, { elevation = noise }) end end return map end function default_map_editor_map(seed) if seed then return random_map(seed) end -- if there's no seed then we want a map w/ all noise values = 0 local map = hex_rectangular_map( HEX_GRID_DIMENSIONS.x, HEX_GRID_DIMENSIONS.y, HEX_ORIENTATION.FLAT, seed, false ) for i,_ in pairs(map) do for j,noise in pairs(map[i]) do hex_map_set(map, i, j, { elevation = noise }) end end return map end