----- [[ AXIAL/CUBE COORDINATE SYSTEM FOR AMULET/LUA]] ------------------------- --[[ author@churchianity.ca -- INTRODUCTION this is a hexagonal grid library for amulet/lua. it uses axial coordinates or cube/hex coordinates when necessary. by amulet convention, hexes are either vec2(s, t) or vec3(s, t, z) but nearly always the former. in some rare cases, coordinates will be passed individually, usually because they are only passed internally and should never be adjusted directly. in amulet, vector arithmetic already works via: + - * / additional things such as equality, and distance are implemented here. +support for parallelogram, triangular, hexagonal and rectangular maps. +support for arbitrary maps with gaps via hashmaps-like storage +support for simple irregular hexagons (horizontal and vertical stretching). classes are used sparsely. maps implement a few constructors for storing your maps elsewhere, and should be the only field that is necessarily visible outside the library. -- RESOURCES USED TO DEVELOP THIS LIBRARY https://redblobgames.com/grid/hexagons - simply amazing. http://amulet.xyz/doc - amulet documentation TODO that place that had the inner circle/outer circle ratio?? ]] ----- [[ GENERALLY USEFUL FUNCTIONS ]] ----------------------------------------- -- rounds numbers. would've been cool to have math.round in lua. local function round(n) return n % 1 >= 0.5 and math.ceil(n) or math.floor(n) end ----- [[ HEX CONSTANTS ]] ------------------------------------------------------ -- all possible vector directions from a given hex by edge local HEX_DIRECTIONS = {vec2( 1 , 0), vec2( 1 , -1), vec2( 0 , -1), vec2(-1 , 0), vec2(-1 , 1), vec2( 0 , 1)} ----- [[ HEX UTILITY FUNCTIONS ]] ---------------------------------------------- function hex_equals(a, b) return a.s == b.s and a.t == b.t end function hex_length(hex) return round(math.abs(hex.s) + math.abs(hex.r) + math.abs(-hex.s - hex.t)/2) end function hex_distance(a, b) return hex_length(a - b) end function hex_round(s, t) local rs = round(s) local rt = round(t) local rz = round(-s - t) local sdelta = math.abs(rs - s) local tdelta = math.abs(rt - t) local zdelta = math.abs(rz - (-s - t)) if sdelta > tdelta and sdelta > zdelta then rs = -rt - rz elseif tdelta > zdelta then rt = -rs - rz else rz = -rs - rt end return vec2(rs, rt) end ----- [[ LAYOUT, ORIENTATION & COORDINATE CONVERSION ]] ----------------------- -- forward & inverse matrices used for the flat orientation. local FLAT = {3.0/2.0, 0.0, 3.0^0.5/2.0, 3.0^0.5, 2.0/3.0, 0.0, -1.0/3.0 , 3.0^0.5/3.0} -- forward & inverse matrices used for the pointy orientation. local POINTY = {3.0^0.5, 3.0^0.5/2.0, 0.0, 3.0/2.0, 3.0^0.5/3.0, -1.0/3.0, 0.0, 2.0/3.0} -- stores layout information that does not pertain to map shape function layout_init(origin, size, orientation) return {origin = origin or vec2(0), size = size or vec2(11), orientation = orientation or FLAT} end -- hex to screen function hex_to_pixel(hex, layout) local M = layout.orientation local x = (M[1] * hex.s + M[2] * hex.t) * layout.size.x local y = (M[3] * hex.s + M[4] * hex.t) * layout.size.y return vec2(x + layout.origin.x, y + layout.origin.y) end -- screen to hex function pixel_to_hex(pix, layout) local M = layout.orientation local pix = (pix - layout.origin) / layout.size local s = M[5] * pix.x + M[6] * pix.y local t = M[7] * pix.x + M[8] * pix.y return hex_round(s, t) end ----- [[ MAP STORAGE & RETRIEVAL ]] -------------------------------------------- --[[ _init functions return a table of tables; a map of points in a chosen shape and specified layout. grammap_init - parallelogram map trimap_init - triangular map hexmap_init - hexagonal map rectmap_init - rectangular map calling .retrieve(pix) on your map will get the hexagon at that pixel. calling .store(hex) on your map will store that hex as pixel coords. maps store coordinates like this: map[hex] = hex_to_pixel(hex) this means you should be able to get all the information you need about various coordinates completely within the map 'class', without calling any internal functions. indeed, *map_init, map.retrieve, and map.store is all you need. ]] -- returns parallelogram-shaped map. function grammap_init(layout, width, height) local map = {} local mt = {__index={layout=layout, -- get hex in map from pixel coordinate retrieve=function(pix) return pixel_to_hex(pix, layout) end, -- store pixel in map from hex coordinate store=function(hex) map[hex]=hex_to_pixel(hex, layout) end }} setmetatable(map, mt) for s = 0, width do for t = 0, height do table.insert(map, hex_to_pixel(vec2(s, t), layout)) end end return map end -- returns triangular map. function trimap_init(layout, size) local map = {} local mt = {__index={layout=layout, -- get hex in map from pixel coordinate retrieve=function(pix) return pixel_to_hex(pix, layout) end, -- store pixel in map from hex coordinate store=function(hex) map[hex]=hex_to_pixel(hex, layout) end }} setmetatable(map, mt) for s = 0, size do for t = size - s, size do map.store(vec2(s, t)) end end return map end -- returns hexagonal map. length of map is radius * 2 + 1 function hexmap_init(layout, radius) local map = {} local mt = {__index={layout=layout, -- get hex in map from pixel coordinate retrieve=function(pix) return pixel_to_hex(pix, layout) end, -- store pixel in map from hex coordinate store=function(hex) map[hex]=hex_to_pixel(hex, layout) end }} setmetatable(map, mt) for s = -radius, radius do local t1 = math.max(-radius, -s - radius) local t2 = math.min(radius, -s + radius) for t = t1, t2 do table.insert(map, hex_to_pixel(vec2(s, t), layout)) end end return map end -- returns rectangular map. function rectmap_init(layout, width, height) local map = {} local mt = {__index={layout=layout, -- get hex in map from pixel coordinate retrieve=function(pix) return pixel_to_hex(pix, layout) end, -- store pixel in map from hex coordinate store=function(hex) map[hex]=hex_to_pixel(hex - vec2(0, math.floor(hex.s/2)), layout) end }} setmetatable(map, mt) for s = 0, width do for t = 0, height do map.store(vec2(s, t)) end end return map end