math.randomseed(os.time()) math.random() math.random() math.random() math.random() do local width, height, title = 1920, 1080, "hexyz" WIN = am.window{ width = width, height = height, title = title, highdpi = true, letterbox = true, --mode = "fullscreen", --projection = projection } OFF_SCREEN = vec2(width * 2, 0) -- arbitrary location garunteed to be offscreen end -- assets and/or trivial code require "color" require "sound" require "texture" require "src/entity" require "src/extra" require "src/geometry" require "src/hexyz" require "src/game" require "src/grid" require "src/mob" require "src/projectile" require "src/tower" -- global audio settings MUSIC_VOLUME = 0.1 SFX_VOLUME = 0.1 function main_action() end function main_scene() end WIN.scene = game_init() noglobals()