7 changed files with 344 additions and 313 deletions
@ -1,2 +1,259 @@ |
state = false |
local function get_initial_game_state() |
local STARTING_MONEY = 50 |
return { |
world = false, -- the root scene graph node for the game 'world' |
map = false, -- map of hex coords map[x][y] to some stuff at that location |
perf = {}, -- result of call to am.perf_stats, called every frame |
time = 0, -- time since game started in seconds |
score = 0, -- current game score |
money = STARTING_MONEY, -- current money |
mouse = false, -- mouse position at the start of this frame |
hex = false, -- vec2 coordinates of hexagon under mouse this frame |
rounded_mouse = false, -- vec2 of pixel position of center of hexagon under mouse this frame |
evenq = false, -- same as state.hex, but in a different coordinate system |
centered_evenq = false, -- same as state.evenq, but with the middle of the map being 0,0 |
tile = false, -- tile at position of state.hex this frame |
hot = false, -- element being interacted with this frame |
selected_tower_type = 1, |
} |
end |
local function can_do_build(hex, tile, tower_type) |
return can_afford_tower(state.money, tower_type) and tower_is_buildable_on(hex, tile, tower_type) |
end |
-- initialized later, as part of the init of the toolbelt |
function select_tower_type(tower_type) end |
function do_day_night_cycle() |
local tstep = (math.sin(state.time / 100) + 1) / state.perf.avg_fps |
state.world"negative_mask".color = vec4(tstep){a=1} |
end |
local function pause_game() |
WIN.scene"game".paused = true |
WIN.scene"game":append(am.group{ |
am.rect(WIN.left, WIN.bottom, WIN.right, WIN.top, COLORS.TRANSPARENT), |
am.scale(3) ^ am.text("Paused.\nEscape to Resume", COLORS.BLACK) |
}:tag"pause_menu") |
WIN.scene:action(function() |
if WIN:key_pressed"escape" then |
WIN.scene:remove"pause_menu" |
WIN.scene"game".paused = false |
return true |
end |
end) |
end |
function game_end() |
delete_all_entities() |
state = get_initial_game_state() |
WIN.scene = main_scene() |
end |
function update_score(diff) state.score = state.score + diff end |
function update_money(diff) state.money = state.money + diff end |
local function game_action(scene) |
if state.score < 0 then game_end() end |
state.perf = am.perf_stats() |
state.time = state.time + am.delta_time |
state.score = state.score + am.delta_time |
state.mouse = WIN:mouse_position() |
state.hex = pixel_to_hex(state.mouse - WORLDSPACE_COORDINATE_OFFSET) |
state.rounded_mouse = hex_to_pixel(state.hex) + WORLDSPACE_COORDINATE_OFFSET |
state.evenq = hex_to_evenq(state.hex) |
state.centered_evenq = state.evenq{ y = -state.evenq.y } - vec2(math.floor(HEX_GRID_WIDTH/2) |
, math.floor(HEX_GRID_HEIGHT/2)) |
state.tile = state.map.get(state.hex.x, state.hex.y) |
state.hot = evenq_is_interactable(state.evenq{ y = -state.evenq.y }) |
if WIN:mouse_pressed"left" then |
if state.hot and can_do_build(state.hex, state.tile, state.selected_tower_type) then |
build_tower(state.hex, state.selected_tower_type) |
end |
end |
if WIN:key_pressed"escape" then |
pause_game() |
elseif WIN:key_pressed"f2" then |
WORLD"flow_field".hidden = not WORLD"flow_field".hidden |
elseif WIN:key_pressed"tab" then |
local num_of_types = #table.keys(TOWER_TYPE) |
if WIN:key_down"lshift" then |
select_tower_type((state.selected_tower_type + num_of_types - 2) % num_of_types + 1) |
else |
select_tower_type((state.selected_tower_type) % num_of_types + 1) |
end |
elseif WIN:key_pressed"1" then select_tower_type(1) |
elseif WIN:key_pressed"2" then select_tower_type(2) |
elseif WIN:key_pressed"3" then select_tower_type(3) |
elseif WIN:key_pressed"4" then select_tower_type(4) |
elseif WIN:key_pressed"q" then select_tower_type(5) |
elseif WIN:key_pressed"w" then select_tower_type(6) -- wall? |
elseif WIN:key_pressed"e" then select_tower_type(7) |
elseif WIN:key_pressed"r" then select_tower_type(8) |
elseif WIN:key_pressed"a" then -- |
elseif WIN:key_pressed"s" then -- |
elseif WIN:key_pressed"d" then -- |
elseif WIN:key_pressed"f" then -- |
end |
do_entity_updates() |
do_mob_spawning() |
do_gui_updates() |
do_day_night_cycle() |
WIN.scene"score".text = string.format("SCORE: %.2f", state.score) |
WIN.scene"money".text = string.format("MONEY: %d", state.money) |
WIN.scene"cursor".position2d = state.rounded_mouse |
end |
function get_tower_tooltip_text(tower_type) |
return string.format( |
"%s\n%s\n%s\ncost: %d" |
, get_tower_name(tower_type) |
, get_tower_placement_rules_text(tower_type) |
, get_tower_short_description(tower_type) |
, get_tower_base_cost(tower_type) |
) |
end |
local function make_game_toolbelt() |
local function toolbelt_button(size, half_size, tower_texture, padding, i, offset, key_name) |
local x1 = (size + padding) * i + offset.x |
local y1 = offset.y |
local x2 = (size + padding) * i + offset.x + size |
local y2 = offset.y + size |
register_button_widget("toolbelt_tower_button" .. i, am.rect(x1, y1, x2, y2), function() select_tower_type(i) end) |
return am.translate(vec2(size + padding, 0) * i + offset) |
^ am.group{ |
am.translate(0, half_size) |
^ pack_texture_into_sprite(TEXTURES.BUTTON1, size, size), |
am.translate(0, half_size) |
^ pack_texture_into_sprite(tower_texture, size, size), |
am.translate(vec2(half_size)) |
^ am.group{ |
pack_texture_into_sprite(TEXTURES.BUTTON1, half_size, half_size), |
am.scale(2) |
^ am.text(key_name, COLORS.BLACK) |
} |
} |
end |
local toolbelt_height = hex_height(HEX_SIZE) * 2 |
local toolbelt = am.group{ |
am.translate(WIN.left + 10, WIN.bottom + toolbelt_height + 20) |
^ am.text(get_tower_tooltip_text(state.selected_tower_type), "left", "bottom"):tag"tower_tooltip", |
am.rect(WIN.left, WIN.bottom, WIN.right, WIN.bottom + toolbelt_height, COLORS.TRANSPARENT) |
}:tag"toolbelt" |
local padding = 15 |
local size = toolbelt_height - padding |
local half_size = size/2 |
local offset = vec2(WIN.left + padding*3, WIN.bottom + padding/3) |
local tab_button = am.translate(vec2(0, half_size) + offset) ^ am.group{ |
pack_texture_into_sprite(TEXTURES.WIDER_BUTTON1, 54, 32), |
pack_texture_into_sprite(TEXTURES.TAB_ICON, 25, 25) |
} |
toolbelt:append(tab_button) |
local tower_select_square = ( |
am.translate(vec2(size + padding, half_size) + offset) |
^ am.rect(-size/2-3, -size/2-3, size/2+3, size/2+3, COLORS.SUNRAY) |
):tag"tower_select_square" |
toolbelt:append(tower_select_square) |
-- fill in the other tower options |
local tower_type_values = { |
} |
local keys = { '1', '2', '3', '4', 'q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 'a', 's', 'd', 'f' } |
for i = 1, #keys do |
toolbelt:append( |
toolbelt_button( |
size, |
half_size, |
get_tower_icon_texture(tower_type_values[i]), |
padding, |
i, |
offset, |
keys[i] |
) |
) |
end |
select_tower_type = function(tower_type) |
state.selected_tower_type = tower_type |
WIN.scene:replace("cursor", (am.translate(state.rounded_mouse) ^ get_tower_cursor(tower_type)):tag"cursor") |
if TOWER_SPECS[state.selected_tower_type] then |
WIN.scene"tower_tooltip".text = get_tower_tooltip_text(tower_type) |
local new_position = vec2((size + padding) * tower_type, size/2) + offset |
WIN.scene"tower_select_square":action(am.tween(0.1, { position2d = new_position })) |
WIN.scene:action(am.play(am.sfxr_synth(SOUNDS.SELECT1), false, 1, SFX_VOLUME)) |
end |
end |
return toolbelt |
end |
-- |color_f| can be a function that takes a hex and returns a color, or just a color |
function make_hex_cursor(position, radius, color_f) |
local color = type(color_f) == "userdata" and color_f or nil |
local map = spiral_map(vec2(0), radius) |
local group = am.group() |
for _,h in pairs(map) do |
group:append(am.circle(hex_to_pixel(h), HEX_SIZE, color or color_f(h), 6)) |
end |
return (am.translate(position) ^ group):tag"cursor" |
end |
function game_scene() |
local score = am.translate(WIN.left + 10, WIN.top - 20) ^ am.text("", "left"):tag"score" |
local money = am.translate(WIN.left + 10, WIN.top - 40) ^ am.text("", "left"):tag"money" |
local coords = am.translate(WIN.right - 10, WIN.top - 20) ^ am.text("", "right", "top"):tag"coords" |
local curtain = am.rect(WIN.left, WIN.bottom, WIN.right, WIN.top, COLORS.TRUE_BLACK) |
curtain:action(coroutine.create(function() |
am.wait(am.tween(curtain, 3, { color = vec4(0) }, am.ease.out(am.ease.hyperbola))) |
WIN.scene:remove(curtain) |
end)) |
-- 2227 |
state.map, state.world = random_map() |
local scene = am.group{ |
state.world, |
curtain, |
make_hex_cursor(OFF_SCREEN, 0, COLORS.TRANSPARENT), |
make_game_toolbelt(), |
score, |
money |
}:tag"game" |
scene:action(game_action) |
return scene |
end |
function game_init() |
state = get_initial_game_state() |
WIN.scene = game_scene() |
end |
Reference in new issue